
Showing posts from February, 2011

No Repeat Anytime Soon Please

Petite Pedia Plots 17 Left the house at 530 am to get to work. Gave chemotherapy, discharged 5 patients, admitted 6 patients, did IV insertions and blood extractions. Got off work at 1135pm and just got home. Not looking forward to a repeat anytime soon.

A Stormy Teen

Petite Pedia Plots 16 Saw for the first time this very confident 16-year old patient yesterday. His Mom was bragging about how he was smart, top of his class, part of the bowling varsity team, and how girls always found him handsome. Jokingly, I replied that the wind was too strong in the room. He then told me, “Dra, that’s ok. It’s just that I take the world by storm”.