
Showing posts from December, 2015

Monkey-ing Around

Petite Pedia Plots 70 Patient's Mom was trying to divert baby's attention from the iv insertion. She was asking the baby where the monkey was. Baby kept on looking pointedly at the male nurse - Ah, there's the monkey!  Photo lifted from Pinterest

Small Hands

Petite Pedia Plots 69 Amazing how fast time flies! Is it just that I have small hands or that they're growing too fast?  Faces blurred to preserve identity

Worst Nightmare

Petite Pedia Plots 68 Placed one of my obese patients on a diet. So, his mom limited  dinner to viand and bread. Mom told me that since putting the child on this diet, he had nightmares all the time. Child would wake up crying and say, "Mommy, i forgot to eat rice!!! " Photo from The Telegraph UK website

A Different Type of Bird

Petite Pedia Plots 67 A Mom was teaching her 5 year old about the different types of birds. She was pointing to a picture and was saying, "This is a dove". Her son replied, "Like Yaya Dove(Dub)." Hala!  Photo taken from Twitter