
Showing posts from July, 2019


Petite Pedia Plots #155 Saw a very shy 5 year old in the clinic.  Mom said school has improved his social skills a lot. Me: “Do you enjoy going to school?” Child: “Yes!” Me: “Do you have a lot of friends there?” Child: “Yes, I have 10!” Me: “Oh wow! That’s a lot.  What are their names?” Child: “There’s Jeric, Emman, Roman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman ...” I could only grin and say, “Aside from being shy, he also has great imagination!”

My Prince Elsa Series 17

Petite Pedia Plots #154 I haven’t seen this patient for several months and his Mom and I just correspond through SMS. Finally, they get a chance to visit the clinic.  Mom tells me the little boy and his sister were  very excited  to see me. Mom told me that just before going to the clinic, the boy asked her to please buy me “starbucks”. However, Mom wasn’t sure if I drink coffee at all so she decided to buy me food instead.  When he entered the room, I got an enthusiastic hug.  And after the visit, he shyly gave this to me. You make my heart full, Prince Elsa.  Tita Doc loves you too.