
Petite Pedia Plots  82

It's one of those days... 😜πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸΌπŸ’‰

4 y/o comes in for her annual flu shot.  Upon entering the clinic, she was thirsty so they had to buy water; hungry so they had to buy cookies; wanted to pee so they went to the rest room; sang  monkeys jumping on the bed, danced the nae nae, did some math problems, wrote her name, played with ALL the toys in the room, smiled, and cried for a loooooong time.  She told me she didn't want to visit Tita Doc anymore because she always got shots.  She didn't want to see my friend, Ate Anne, because she knows that when she sees her, it's time for the shot. She didn't like to lie down, she didn't like to sit either. She didn't like my band-aids, the lollipop, the examination bed, the color pink and generally, anything under the sun. After about an hour and a half, we finally gave the shot. I don't know how moms do this every day. But, kudos to you guys!


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