
Showing posts from August, 2016

Guessing Game

Daughter Duties 26 Photo from During dinner last night, Mom was telling me about this TV soap actress that Mom and Dad both like. Both of my parents have been racking their brains for about a wk (?!)   and they haven't come up with her name yet. So, I try to help them out.  Me: Is she young or old?  D and M: Middle-age! Me: Is she someone I have watched? D and M:  "Yes yes!"  Me: Award-winning?  D and M:"Yes! Yes! She always plays the Mom in soap oper as!" Me: Hmmm, Jaclyn Jose?  D and M: "Nooooo!" It took me about an hour and going on the internet and showing them pictures to find out who she was.  It was Cherry Pie Pecache. After that, Mom again said,"I don't like this certain TV host/actress". And she proudly tells me that the host's name is "Austin!" Mom, I don't know anyone called "Austin" on local TV!!! And so, we go through the whole guessing game again.  

My Prince Elsa Serye 6

Petite Pedia Plots 102 In line with the "Buwan ng Wika" theme in their school, they were asked to wear Filipino outfits. So, Mom bought him a kamisa de chino and red pants. When he saw this, he started to cry. And it got worse when he saw his sister wearing a white baro and a floral saya. Ang gusto pala niyang suot was baro't saya. Photo from

Obedient Boy

Petite Pedia Plots 101 Saw this 6 yr old boy for the first time. He was bubbling with so much energy - moving from one place to another, playing with all the toys and asking all sorts of questions to his Mom. I could hardly keep up with him. Mom then said, "Pasensiya na, Dra ha. Medyo makulit kami." Kid hears this and says, "Makulit pero masunurin." He then sat down and stayed there until we finished the consult.  

Hala Ka, Daddy!

Petite Pedia Plots 100 "Dra, our baby stops crying only when it's Mommy who carries her", frustrated first-time Dad told me.  I answered, "Each baby is different. However, you have to remember that Moms are softer and well, they have breasts (and milk)." Dad looks at his chest and at his wife's and then says, " But there's not much difference. She's as flat as I am."  From Mom's looks, World War III just started at home.


Daughter Duties 25 My Mom was telling me that she wanted to eat something in particular. The name escaped her so she started to describe it.  Mom: " May meat and cheese yun eh."  Me: "Ah, lasagna?"  Mom: "Hindi!!!!" Me: "Spaghetti? Carbonara? Pasta ba?"  Mom: "Noooo! Crispy siya eh."  Me: I give up! 🤔 After about a day, I finally figured it out. It was nachos.  From

Where is this?

Daughter Duties 24 I  asked my Dad where his dinner was yesterday. He replied, "Sa Bonifacio Side Street." "Dad, High Street yon, hindi Side Street", I said. He retorted, "Sa side street naman kami kumain eh, hindi naman sa main street."  Photo from

Battle of the Brain(less)

Teacher Tales 1 One of the questions I gave during recitation was "identify the pacemaker of the heart". When everyone had blank looks, i decided to give a clue. I said that the answer ends with a "node". One student answered loudly, "Lymph node!" Sumakit bangs ko. Photo taken from

My Prince Elsa Series 5

Petite Pedia Plots 99 Little Boy Princess Elsa had a check-up. Was so impressed when he came in wearing a "Cars" cap, a "Spiderman" shirt and "Batman" shoes. He chose to play with a ball (and not the dolls) and ran around the clinic. When I was bidding him goodbye, he pointed to my floral dress and said, "I love the flowers on your dress, Tita Doc. I really love flowers!" I almost fell off my seat.  Photo from

Counting Conundrum

Petite Pedia Plots 98 Proud Dad told me that his 5-yr old son could read numbers up to 200. As we were measuring the son's height, Dad pointed to the number 110 and asked his son to read it. After a whole lot of prodding, I could sense both Dad and son getting frustrated. To encourage him I said, "one hundred and ....". Finally, I saw the son smile and say, "One hundred and ONE and ZERO!!!"  Photo from