
Showing posts from April, 2017

Identify the Colors

Petite Pedia Plots 119 This 2 y/o girl wanted me to test her colors. So, i point to the red, blue, yellow and pink and she gets all of them right. Then Lola asks her what color my blouse is. Since she was stumped, she instead asked me, "Ikaw anong kulay ang suot mo, tita doc?" Smart girl.  from

Diet Debacle

Daughter Duties 42 During lunch: Mom: "Anak, magpapayat ka. You have to eat everything in moderation."  This she says while putting more food on my plate.

Dad Says Thanks

Daughter Duties 41 I never realized that my Dad is so competitive. Cases in point:  (1) Whenever a patient was wheeled out of the Acute Stroke Unit and transfered to a regular room, he would say, "Bakit nauna yon?" And the nurses would tell him that the patient was admitted days before him.     (2) There is a test that they administer for cognitive functioning. He got 28/30 which is excellent for someone his age. He couldn't help but quip, "Dapat na perfect ko yun eh."  Daddy sends his love to everyone who prayed for his recovery and visited him. After just 3 days, we are home! God has been extremely good to my Dad and family and we pray for his good health and everyone else's.  from

I'm Going Home

Daughter Duties 40 They were cleaning my Dad up while he was seated. They asked him if he was feeling dizzy or faint. This was his answer: "Magaling na ko. Uuwi na nga ako eh." 

Missing Dentures

Daughter Duties 39 This afternoon, Dad complained of left hand numbness which progressed to the left side of his face. To rule out a stroke, MRI had to be done and by God's grace, it's normal. By the time the MRI was done, the numbness was gone. Now, he is more concerned about his missing dentures.   God is good! Each and every prayer that you sent our way was heard by God. Thank you! Thank you! Please continue to pray for his recovery.

Apat vs Four

Petite Pedia Plots 118 During my visit to the orphanage, two girls were brought to the clinic.  I asked Girl #1 how old she was.  Bibo Girl #2 answered for Girl #1 and said "Four".  Little Girl #1 started crying and said, "Hindi ako four. Mali ka! Apat na taon na ko no!"  photo from

Mom's Tummy

Petite Pedia Plots 117 6 y/o boy and his healthy Mom was waiting outside my clinic. He looks around and sees a pregnant woman beside them. Boy: "Mom, why is that woman's tummy so big?"  Mom replies, "There is a baby inside her tummy."  Boy looks at his Mom's abdomen and asks, "Mom, how many babies are in your tummy?" from