My Prince Elsa Series 10

Petite Pedia Plots 126

Yesterday, I had a visit from 4 year old Prince Elsa.  Mom has been working extra hard at hiding his Barbie dolls and has been very succesful.  She says that when they go to the mall, he asks for toy cars.  (Yey!) His favorite shows are now oriented for both boys and girls.  (Good job, Mom!)  And in school, he has learned how to sing well.  Conversation goes as follows:

Me: Wow! I heard you can sing well.  
P.E.: Oh yes!!!
Me: So what is your favorite song?
P.E.: Fireworks by Katy Perry
And he proceeds to give me a good rendition. 👏👏👏

Me: Who are your favorite singers aside from Katy?
P.E.: Keshia, Ariana Grande and Britney Spears (!)  
He shows me his Ipad and I see that it contains songs only by the 4 singers. And goes on to sing a medley of all their songs in a high voice complete with gyrations.  😂🤣😂🤣😆


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