Drama Queen

Petite Pedia Plots 133

Mom brought her 9-year old daughter to my clinic for a shot.  Mom calls her "Drama Queen" for reasons I will know later. Mom said she had already briefed her daughter but still warns me that it will take some time before DQ settles down to get her shot.

And true enough, it took about 20-30 minutes of convincing with a lot of tears, bathroom breaks ("I need to pee right now!"- 2x) , bribing ("You'll get the dress that you want", "I'll let you have the Ipad the whole weekend", "You can go to the birthday party" - seems my lollipops didn't have any magic with 9-year olds) and scolding ("I'll leave you here with Tita Doc", "We'll call Kuya Guard and he'll hold you down", "You're gonna get the shot no matter what you do" and "YOU DO IT OR ELSE,"). It was the last statement that did it.

It took me less than 10 seconds to give the shot.   When she had calmed down, she looked at me with tears falling down her eyes and said, "I will have my revenge.  I'll come back and burn the clinic down." (Reminiscent of "Babangon ako at dudurugin kita" of yesteryears).  Five seconds after, kid says, "Joke!"


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