I don't need it!!!

Petite Pedia Plots 136

My 4-year old patient recently got bitten by a dog for the second time. So he has a pretty good idea about rabies shots.  Mom brings him to the ER for his post-exposure shots.

Patient goes to one ER doctor and tells her, "Please, I don't really need a vaccine right now, Dr." Patient doesn't get his way so he goes to the other ER doctor and tells her "I don't really need a shot, Dr."  It doesn't work either.  He then tries his charm on the nurse with "I don't need one."  He gets his shot.

He came and visited me in the clinic a few days back.  He and his Mom gave me a birthday gift.  He asked me how old I am and I told him secretly , "I'm 19".  He laughed and said, "You're old!!!!!"  I wonder what he'd do if I did tell him my real age.

Dear little boy, don't grow up too fast. 😘


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