Lost in Translation

Petite Pedia Plots 132

I was talking to one of those new parent couples who are into organic stuff, yoga, water birth - you get my drift. Their  baby started having rashes and Mom is purely breastfeeding.  Both parents are foreigners and have heavy european accents.

Me: So, what have you been eating recently since your diet can sometimes affect your baby's skin.
Mom: Lately, I've been eating these "Vee-gan" sausages.
Me: Really? They've managed to make vegan sausages?  They're probably made of tofu.  I wonder what it tastes like!
Mom: You've never tasted them? It's really good.  I'll bring some when we visit again.
Dad (trying to be helpful): We bought them in a Sunday market. There were different variations - we tried the one from Quezon but didn't like it as much.
Yaya: Dra, di ka pa naka-try ng "Vigan  Longganisa"?
Me: 😳


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