
Showing posts from January, 2017

I'm the Star!

Petite Pedia Plots 112 My 6-yr old patient doesn't get stars/stamps on his hands because he's quite naughty. He explains it this way: "Why do I need stars on my hands when I'm already the star?"  from

My Prince Elsa Series 8

Petite Pedia Plots 111 His teacher advised Mom to hide all the girly toys in the house and replace them with a lot of "Cars" and "Superheroes" stuff. I see him and Mom about a week after. He comes in with a "Cars" kiddie backpack. Mom tells me she is very proud because he hasn't asked for his favorite doll (aka Barbie) and dollhouse since she hid it.   "Wow! You have a nice bag! What are those?, I  asked.  Little boy replies, "They're cars."  "And what's the name of the one in the middle, the main character?" He said,"That's Annabelle! And his friend is Krista." from


Teacher Tales 7 Me: "How much ang fishball sa baba?" Student A: "2 for P1"  Student B: "Hindi ha!!!! 50 centavos ang isa!" from

Stomach In!

You know you're on the healthy side when: As I was having a chest xray taken (lateral view), the technician told me to suck my stomach in. Unfortunately, naka-stomach in na ako nun.


Petite Pedia Plots 111 The parents of a patient wanted to go home against medical advice despite the patient's high fever. I called the parents and explained possible consequences of the early discharge but Mom still wanted to go home. So I asked the phone to be handed over to the nurse. Because I was so exasperated and frustrated, I told the one on the other line - "Pasaway! Could you kindly write in the chart....". After about a minute, there was another voice on the phone identifying herself as the nurse. O-M-G!!!  I knew Mom was the one on the phone because when I did my rounds, Mom told me,"Dra, pasensiya na if we're so pasaway ha."  from

I Can't Find the Pulse!

Teacher Tales 6 Topic: Carotid Pulse The students were asked to look for their partner's carotid pulse. There was one particular student who wasn't able to detect it despite repeated attempts. So, I tried to show her where it was. No wonder she was having such a hard time! She was palpating a lymph node! 


Daughter Duties 37 Dinnertime: Mom (to Dad): Inuwian kita ng barbecue. Di tulad mo, di mo ko inuuwian.  Dad: Sige, next time kumain ako, uuwian kita ng mga buto (manok ba o baka?)  Photo from

Hats Off

Daughter Duties 36 Was trying on different hats for a party.   Me: Sigh! Anlaki kasi ng ulo ko. Ayan, andaming di na kasya.   Mom (with an evil smile): Di lang naman ulo mo ang malaki - pati braso mo, katawan mo, pata mo.  # grabemagsupportangnanayko   # asananghustisya Photo from

Sizzling Hot

Teacher Tales 5 Topic: Body Temperature During a return demonstration on how to properly take it, the thermometer was taking forever to finish its reading. So the student said, "Mam, hindi ata kinaya ng thermometer ang hotness ko!"  Photo from

Humorous Homily

Last Sunday's Homily: Priest: In 2017, may we be blessed with good health. Audience: Amen!!! Priest: May we be blessed with discernment. Audience: Amen!!! Priest: May we always have enough because God provides. Audience: Amen!!! Priest: Who knows, maybe next year, I may not be around anymore. Audience: Amen!!!  Photo from